Guest WiFi
Non-LMC Guests may access the Guest Wifi from their mobile device or laptop.
Once connected, the user's browser will open to a login page.
*NOTE: If you are using an Apple device, a recent Apple update has prevented the login page from automatically loading on iOS devices. If the page does not load, please visit and the page will load.
If the user does not have a username of password, click on "Don't have an account".
The user will then enter the following: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, SMS Provider, then click "register"
Once the account is created, the user will see a screen that provides a temporary username and password. It is recommended to copy the temporary password as after clicking next you will be prompted to change your password. If the user forgets the username or password, the email address or phone number provided can be used to recover the login information. Contact IT and they can resend lost login information. The username and password can be used on up to 3 devices by signing on at the initial login page instead of creating a new account. Guest accounts expire after 60 days.
One week prior to the 60 day period, an email and/or text message will be sent reminding the user that the account will be expiring. If you wish to extend your access, please contact IT to have it extended to avoid going through the registration process again.
Please note: If you are LMC faculty, staff, or a student, you will log into the LMC-PRIVATE WiFi with your username and password.
Office Hours Room C229: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Call us 269-927-8189