Android and Chromebook WiFi Setup

Android and Chromebook WiFi Setup

  1. Go to your device settings
  2. Tap WiFi
  3. Connect to the LMC-Private network
  4. For EAP method, choose PEAP
  5. For Phase 2 authentication, choose MSCHAPV2
  6. for CA certificate, select Use system Certificates
  7. For Domain, enter lakemichigancollege.edu
  8. Enter out LMC username in the identity field
  9. Leave anonymous identity blank
  10. Enter you LMC password in the password field
  11. Tap Connect

*Note, each Android and ChromeBook is slightly different based on manufacturer and software version. Access to the WiFi setup may vary depending on device. Please adjust instruction order according to your particular device's setup

Example of Chromebook setup screen (May vary from your model)

Example of Android Setup Screen (May vary from your model)

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