Office 365

Office 365

Users can log into the site and have instant access to popular Microsoft Office Applications as well as download copies to up to five personal devices.

To access the Office 365 Web Portal, visit https://365.mylmc.org

To assist with the implementation, the IT Support department has created a guide to answer the following commonly asked questions:

How do I access Office 365?

Accessing Office 365 requires logging into the web portal with your LMC Email and password: https://365.mylmc.org

What will I have access to?

Once logged in, you will have access to a menu of Office 365 online applications that can be access via any PC with an Internet connection. Applications include:

Can I download Office to my Computer?

Users of Office 365 are able to install Office 2016 on up to five devices. Devices include Personal Computers and laptops, Tablets, Mobile Phones, and Macs.

How long can I use Office 365 for free?

Employees of Lake Michigan College are able to take advantage of Office 365 as long as they have an active LMC Email address. Students can use Office 365 as long as they are an active student with LMC.

What happens if I leave Lake Michigan College?

When an employee or student leaves Lake Michigan College, he or she will no longer have free access to the Office 365 applications and the account will be closed. If you would like to continue using Office 365, the IT Department can assist in directing the individualon how to set up a personal account. 

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 Helpdesk phone: 269-927-8189 

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

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