Employee Portal

Employee Portal

The Employee Portal is available anywhere an individual has internet access and provides a centralized location to access up-to-date employee news, events, and integral college communications. Since the Employee Portal is available off campus, individuals can use home computers or a mobile device to stay up to date on all college news and events.

To access the employee portal outside of the college campus, visit the college website at www.lakemichigancollege.edu and click “For Faculty and Staff” at the bottom of the page, or click MyLMC  and then click “Switch to Employee Portal for Faculty + Staff”.

Upon clicking, you will be redirected to the Employee Portal login page. Once logged in, it may ask if you’d like to remain signed in. If this is a public computer, choose no.

On a PC or MAC you can use your favorite browser. All news articles will be viewable at the top of the page, with the employee calendar’s most current events scrolling just underneath. On a mobile phone or tablet, the page may resize to the device’s screen dimensions, potentially presenting the information in a vertical view. You can scroll through the page to view news articles, calendar events, or access the Quick Links.

Once logged in, you will have access to all information contained within the employee portal. 

At this time, the “Employee News” section contains information from the President’s Office only.

To view the articles in the “Employee News”, “Around the College”, and “LMC in the News” sections, click on the article you’d like to read and you will be redirected to the full article. In addition, Faculty and Staff can discuss the article in the comments sections below the article. When commenting, you can also tag individuals using the “@” symbol and begin typing their name (Ex., @Spratt). The tagged individual will be notified via email that they were tagged and the email will include a link to the news article they were mentioned in (note, this notification is not immediate). In addition, all comments are publicly viewable by all visitors to the news article and the individual that commenter is identified in the comment.

In addition, staff and faculty can also download the SharePoint App on their mobile device.  You can search "Microsoft SharePoint" and download the free app.  When logging in for the first time, it may ask for your LMC email address and then direct you to sign in with your LMC credentials.  The app will send you notifications if you are following a specific news article (option located in the top right corner of the article next to the share option) and allow you to receive notifications if you are tagged in a comment.

If you have any additional questions regarding the employee portal or its use, please submit a request via the IT Service Desk.

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