Spam Filter

Spam Filter

Lake Michigan College uses Barracuda cloud based SPAM services to filter college email for spam. Normally, a significant percent of inbound emails are SPAM. Barracuda SPAM services also filters outbound that may contain sensitive content that includes Social Security numbers, credit cards or offensive words.

Quarantined messages are shared with LMC staff and faculty three times a day; morning, mid-day, and afternoon. The Barracuda Email Security Service Quarantine Notification provides each message that was quarantined, including the sender, the date, and the subject. Within the message, you are provided with the option to deliver the message, block the sender, or view the message log. You can also opt to manage your quarantine.

Deliver: The message is delivered to your inbox

Block List: The message adds the sender to your block list

View Message Log: User is navigated to the Barracuda Archiver to view messages

Manage Quarantine: User can manage basic customizations to their message filter

How do I release an email that is in Quarantine?

All quarantined mail received through the spam filter will be presented to you via an email message in your outlook mailbox. Within the e-mail, you have two options: Deliver – If you click on this link, the e-mail will be delivered and will show up in your e-mail client. Block LIst – If you click on this link, the sender will be blocked

Do I have to wait for the Spam recap email?

If you are expecting an email that you suspect is being blocked by the spam filter, you can visit the Quarantine Web Portal at spam.mylmc.org .  You can use your LMC username and password to access currently quarantined emails.

What content cannot be sent via email?

  • Personal Identifying Information (PII) such as Social Security numbers, credit card data, or other sensitive data
  • Private Business, product advertisement, or political lobbying
  • Copyright infringement
  • Email that alters, dismantles, or disfigures messages so as to hide originator or disguise originator of the message
  • Transmitting, or making accessible, offensive jokes, threats, or harassing material
  • Broadcasting unsolicited messages (SPAM) or sending mass emails.

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Helpdesk phone: 269-927-8189 

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Office Hours Room C229: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Call us 269-927-8189