Microsoft Tasks / To Do in Outlook
A task is an item that you create that you want to track until it's completed. Use To Do in to create, edit, and manage tasks.
Note: The instructions and imaged below may change overtime as Microsoft introduces updates. However, the core content will remain the same.
Microsoft offers a “My Day” view, which allows users to view their tasks and To Do’s for the day
Choose your version for instructions
The instructions are slightly different depending on whether you're using To Do in or the classic Tasks. Choose the version you're using to see the instructions that apply to you.
The task icon will look like this…
Instructions for To Do in Outlook
Microsoft To Do is now integrated with Outlook. To Do is taking the place of Tasks and includes smart lists. Smart lists are filtered lists that make it easier to track tasks and organize your day. With To Do integration, you can quickly organize your tasks by adding them to My Day, marking them as important, or adding them to new lists that you create. There's even a list for tasks that you've assigned a date to. To get started, open Outlook or login into Outlook on the web at
To Do is a bit different from the classic Tasks in Outlook. Some features are different, and others will be added as To Do is rolled out.
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