Reporting Spam and Phishing Emails

Reporting Spam and Phishing Emails

How do I report a SPAM issue?

If you experience an issue with the SPAM filter, or need additional training, please submit a request via the Service Desk Portal with all pertinent details included.  You can submit a ticket via the following link:

Service Desk Portal

What if I am being targeted by a Phishing scam?

If you believe you are being targeted by a phishing scam, do not click on any links within the email or reply to the email.  With the email open, please click on the "Report Email" icon in your Outlook Ribbon to send the email to our IT Security Team.

If you do not see the Report Email Option (common when accessing a shared account), please forward the email to PhishAlert@LakeMichiganCollege.edu for further review.


Report Email Icon

When you click the Report Email icon, a sidebar will open allowing you to provide feedback on the email


Reporting a Phishing Email


A webpage will now open in your browser and allow you to identify the reason for reporting the email as Spam

Message reported screen

Upon submission, the email will be removed from your mailbox and the IT Security Team will review the email. If the email is legitimate, you will be notified that the email was reported in error.

What if I clicked on a link in a SPAM email?

If you clicked on a link in a SPAM email, it is advised that you change your password immediately.  In addition, it is advised that you contact the LMC Service desk at 269-927-8189 to report the issues and request a security scan on your PC.  

You can also submit a ticket via the following link:

Service Desk Portal



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