Remote Desktop (RDP)

Remote Desktop (RDP)

If you have Cisco AnyConnect installed on your PC, you can remote into your work computer to access files and services that are only available within the LMC network.

To utilize the remote desktop into your LMC work PC, please ensure you are connected to the VPN.  If you are not connected, you will not be able to remote in. In the Start menu, scroll down to "Windows Accessories" and click on remote desktop connection. 

The Remote Desktop window will open.  Before you enter the information, right click the icon in the taskbar and choose "Pin to Taskbar".  This will create a shortcut in the taskbar so the remote desktop is easy to access.

In the Computer field, enter your LMC PC name and then click connect. If the connection is successful, you will be remoted into your LMC PC.  This will be noted by a blue bar at the top of the screen that shows your LMC PC name.  If you minimize the remote connection, the blue bar will minimize as well. Clicking the remote icon at the bottom of the screen will bring the session back up.

A few notes:

  • If you try to connect and receive an error upon the first time connecting, please ensure you are authorized to connect to your work PC. You may need to submit a service request to IT to grant you access.

  • If you have accessed your PC remotely in the past, the error could be due to a couple of issues.

    • First, verify you've typed in your computer name correctly

    • Verify you connected to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN

    • It is possible that your Work PC was powered off. This can occur of a Windows Update failed to reboot the PC, if there was a power outage, of if you accidentally powered off the PC remotely. In some instances, IT can reboot the PC remotely. However, it is not 100%. In some instances, you may need to contact IT or facilities to power the PC back on.

    • In some instances, the home Internet connection may not be stable and cause the VPN connection and Remote Desktop connection to fail. Please verify the home network is functioning.

  • When connected to the remote desktop, you will have full access to your work PC. Please use caution when connected and follow best practices such as locking the PC when you have to walk away, don't use public WiFi, and protect confidential information from others around you, especially when in public spaces.

Office Hours Room C229: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Call us 269-927-8189