GAPP - General Approval Instructions
Step 1:
Go to the Employee Portal and under QuickLinks, click on myLMC. The screen below will show up when you click on Workflows to the left of the screen.
Step 2:
Click on Create Workflow thru GAPP
Step 3: Type in Title; Description and Due Date are optional
Step 4:
Scroll down further on the same screen above and you will see Approvers. The order to type in names of the appropriate signatures is very important!
As the requestor, you oversee creating the GAPP Workflow and do not need to add your name.
Next is the Division Head. If you are the Division Head you do not need to add your name to the approver list.
Cabinet member, CFO, President, and HR Business Partner follow it up in that order.
Again, the order would be Division Head, Cabinet Member, CFO, President, and HR Business Partner.
Step 5:
Click on Attachments and upload the filled-out Personnel Request Form or the Employment Authorization Form (if you’re ready to hire) and the job description.
Step 6:
Check all information and when you are ready to submit, click the Submit button.
If you are not ready, you can click on the save button.
Step 7:
If you want to see where your workflow request is in the process, go into myLMC and click on Workflows to the left of the screen and click on the Open Workflow tab. You’ll see whose queue it is in and any comments they included. Once HR approves the GAPP Workflow, the position will be posted within 24 hours, or the future employee will be notified.
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