RaveAlert Opt-In for Non-LMC Individuals

RaveAlert Opt-In for Non-LMC Individuals

RaveAlert allows non-LMC individuals, such as Kidzone, Temporary Contractors, University Partners, and more, the option to opt-in for Alerts.

To register, please visit https://getrave.com/login/lakemichigancollege

On the login screen, choose the “Register” option in the top right corner


On the “Create Account” screen, enter the requested information and choose “Proceed to Next Step”

On the “Confirm Mobile Carrier” screen, choose your mobile carrier and click “Proceed to Next Step”

You may be asked to confirm your mobile number. You may also receive an Email Confirmation screen (pictured below).

When you receive the email, please follow the instructions within to finalize your account. Once your account is created, you’ll receive an email, text message, and phone call for each alert sent.


Office Hours Room C229: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Call us 269-927-8189