Report of violations of Zoom’s Terms of Service or Community Standards

To submit a report of violations of Zoom’s Terms of Service or Community Standards, please submit your report by completing the web form available at . Please include specific details about the meeting disruption in your report such as how did the intruder(s) violated our Terms of Service and if there was a certain type of abusive content that was shared by the offender(s) (via chat, audio, or video).

If you have questions pertaining to meeting or attendee data, please review your dashboard: . If you have a plan that does not include a dashboard or you are requesting additional information, please note that there are legal restrictions around what user data Zoom can share. We are not permitted to share user data with you except as required under applicable privacy laws. If your request, however, potentially involves criminal conduct, please consider reporting such conduct to law enforcement. Law enforcement may make requests for user data with valid legal process (e.g., a subpoena, court order, or a search warrant).

For more information about the information Zoom has, how law enforcement makes valid requests, and how we process them, please see our Government Requests Guide

Office Hours Room C229: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Call us 269-927-8189