If an LMC Student, Faculty, or Staff member forgets their username, click the "Forgot Username or First Time User" link on the WaveLink/Student Profile login page.  Enter the personal email address and click "Submit".   The username will be searched based on the personal email address on file, and if a match is found then the username will be sent to the personal email.   Note, you'll need to have a personal email set up on your account.  CLICK HERE for instructions

If you are a first-time user at LMC, follow the same steps as for a forgotten username, except if you are not sure if there is a personal email address on file. Click on the "I don't know my personal email address" link for information on the department to contact whether you are a student or employee.  This is a necessary step as the identity of the new user has to be verified before providing or adding personal email address.

When a username is found, the following message appears on the right of the page - 

When a username cannot be found with the personal email provided, the following message appears -  

Contact the following offices for further assistance if you receive the "No account was found with that email address."